Explore our products

Provide a short description of categories listed below.

Basic Plan
Standard Plan
  • SEO: Comprehensive keyword research, on-page and technical SEO, link building, and monthly performance reports.

Premium PLan

  • SEO: Advanced keyword research, on-page and technical SEO, link building, local SEO, and monthly performance reports.

  • SEO: Basic keyword research, on-page optimization, and monthly performance reports.

  • Social Media Management: Content creation and posting on 1-2 platforms, basic engagement.

  • Email Marketing: Monthly newsletters and basic email campaigns.

  • Content Marketing: 2-3 blog posts per month.

  • Social Media Management: Content creation, posting, and engagement on 3-4 platforms, including paid ad campaigns.

  • Email Marketing: Weekly newsletters, segmented email campaigns, and performance tracking.

  • Content Marketing: 4-6 blog posts per month, including infographics and video content.

  • PPC Advertising: Management of Google Ads and social media ads with monthly performance reports.

  • Social Media Management: Comprehensive content creation, posting, engagement, and management on all major platforms, including advanced paid ad campaigns.

  • Email Marketing: Bi-weekly newsletters, advanced segmented email campaigns, A/B testing, and detailed performance tracking.

  • Content Marketing: 8-10 blog posts per month, including infographics, video content, and eBooks.

  • PPC Advertising: Advanced management of Google Ads, social media ads, and retargeting campaigns with detailed monthly performance reports.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Regular website audits and optimization to improve conversion rates.